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Science Powerpoint Presentations
Latest PPTs Size(MB) Submitted by Category Robotics 2.1 Dasari Gopi Physics Electronic devices 0.4 Krishna Sunki Physics Magna Carta 1.0 Lis Barton Sociology psychology 1.6 Maria arif Sociology Child Labour 0.16 NVK Sociology Introduction of hearing 1.6 Sajuu Parvi Biology - Maths Powerpoint Presentations
Common multiples and common Factors 1.1 V R Murthy Maths Division of Decimals 1.2 V R Murthy Maths Multiplying Decimals 1.4 V R Murthy Maths Geography & Geology Powerpoint Presentation
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Antarctica 171 KB Paren *** 9/4/05 Africa the continent 1.5MB Rob Clutter **** 12/1/09 Anyong Tubig Anyong Lupa sa Asya 2.2 Kimberly Pineda *** 29/9/11 Africa Geography Game 371KB Karen Williams *** 25/8/09 Antartica the continent 3.6MB Rob Clutter **** 12/1/09 Asia the continent 3.5MB Rob Clutter **** 12/1/09 Australia 1.5MB Rob Clutter **** 12/1/09 Atmosphere 313 KB John **** 15/6/05 Bonners Ferry MudSlide 465KB Greg *** 27/04/08 Bridges 253KB Carolyn Kinne *** 25/8/09 Changes in the CBD 634KB Ben Bates *** 20/04/07 Clouds 457KB Carolyn Kinne *** 25/8/09 Coastal Erosion 1.9 MB TA **** 19/4/05 Coasts and Reefs 2.4 MB Cam **** 19/4/05 Coastal Dunes 180 KB Lindsey **** 15/6/05 Coastal processes 3.4MB krishnaprasad v n *** 08/02/10 Deforestation & Conservation Efforts 3.7 Si Min Lee 29/9/11 Deserts 1.4 MB Dave **** 19/4/05 Erosion 710 KB Martin *** 19/4/05 Erosion and Weathering 1 Bruce Henderson 29/9/11 Earthquakes 1.9MB Harry Rowe ***** 30/11/04 Europe the contintent 2.8MB Rob Clutter **** 12/1/09 Flags of NORTH asia .38 Kimberly Pineda 29/9/11 Flags of south & southeast asia 0.52 Kimberly Pineda 29/9/11 Geographic Dictionary 158KB Meredith Sanders *** 18/12/07 Hurricanes 8.0MB Meredith Sanders *** 18/12/07 Ice Ages 97 KB Steven *** 9/4/05 Influence of Human Activity on the Environment 199KB Mary Scott **** 25/12/06 Jeopardy weather patterns 1.3MB Erin Carpenter *** 27/04/08 Landforms 331KB Carolyn Kinne *** 25/8/09 Longshore Drift 1.3 MB Tom *** 19/4/05 Mapping 1.4MB Mary Clark **** 18/12/07 Marshes 1.9 MB Ouida **** 15/6/05 Name That Geological Deformation 2.2MB Greg Cossette **** 18/12/07 Natural Disasters_Thredbo_ Landslide 4.1 Ken Choi 29/9/11 The Netherlands 885KB Karen Williams *** 25/8/09 North America the continent 2.4MB Rob Clutter **** 12/1/09 Oceans 535KB Carolyn Kinne *** 25/8/09 Our Earth’s Resources 687KB Carolyn Kinne *** 25/8/09 Plate Tectonics 8.5MB Mike **** 12/2/06 Plate Tectonics - earth 14.1MB Shane Crone ***** 15/5/06 River Severn Source to Mouth 960KB James Robertson **** 1/4/09 Question of rivers 916KB Fyfe Thms **** 1/3/10 Salt Marshes 2.0 MB Maia **** 15/6/05 South America the continent 2.0MB Rob Clutter **** 12/1/09 Tornados 1.38MB Eric **** 12/2/06 The Appalachian Trail 524KB Earl Amstrng *** 12/9/04 The Work of Rivers 130KB Melvin *** 17/10/04 Well logging_The_Bore_Hole 2.3MB Shabaz **** 20/8/06 Weather 5.0MB Shana Kaase ***** 25/12/06 History Powerpoint Presentations
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date A Brief History of Life 5.2MB Deo Talao ***** 20/10/09 America's Great Disasters 4.1MB Mr Ryan **** 12/09/06 American Civil War 5MB James Collins ***** 31/10/06 Ancient Civilizations 4MB J Collins ***** 1/4/06 Ancient Greece 1.9MB J Collins **** 1/4/06 Ancient Mexico 178KB Meredith Sanders *** 05/11/07 Ancient World History 12.3MB Graham Wilson *** 27/04/08 Asia - China - Japan 564KB Robert Clutter *** 7/12/08 The Atomic Age 1.27MB Jan Pentz **** 09/05/10 Bhopal Gas Tragedy- Union Carbide 4.8MB krishnaprasad vn **** 1/3/10 British history 1.5MB Julie Turner *** 7/12/08 CityStates-Greece 2.1MB Mary Lou Tillman **** 27/04/08 Civil Rights Movement 4.9 MB James Collins ***** 5/6/06 Classical Greece 939 KB Mike G ***** 15/6/05 The Cold War 6.9 MB James Collins ***** 5/6/06 Cold War Vocabulary Visual Preview Review 5.4 Paul Cleary ***** 12/10/10 Culture and Kingdoms of West Africa 1.1MB Robert Clutter **** 7/12/08 Early Christian Ireland 7.4MB Leonard O'Donnell **** 31/10/06 England in 1060 78KB James Carol *** 15/1/07 Egypt 1.1MB Meredith Sanders *** 05/11/07 European Exploration/Spanish Inquisition/Martin Luther, etc for a 7th grade class 853KB Alicia Barnett *** 1/12/09 European Rulers in the age of absolutism 6.8MB kathleen jordon *** 08/02/10 Fall of Rome and start of Middle Ages 3.0MB J Collins ***** 15/5/06 February Black History Month 2007 1.4MB Rob Clutter **** 2/2/09 February Black History Month 2008 569KB Rob Clutter **** 2/2/09 February Presidents Day 273KB Rob Clutter **** 2/2/09 The French and Indian War 966KB Michael Kelman *** 15/1/07 French Revolution 477KB J Collins *** 1/4/06 The French Revolution and Napoleon- Patterns of Civilization Vol 2 Unit Two 354KB David Brooker **** 15/3/09 The French and Indian War 2.1MB Patrick Vaughan **** History 30MB Herschel sarnoff ***** 7/9/08 Great Depression 3.9MB Darren Fleck **** 7/12/08 Greek Philosophy 5.9 MB Mike G ***** 15/6/05 Greek Science 999 KB Mike G ***** 15/6/05 HALLOWEEN 3.1MB Josh Durey **** 31/10/06 HALLOWEEN history 186KB VOC *** 31/10/06 Hellenism 2.1 MB Mike G ***** 15/6/05 Hitler 3.86MB Lyzz Wang ***** 09/5/10 How did life in Egypt affect medicine 237KB James Carol *** 15/1/07 hunters and gathers 1.16MB Scott Bennett ***** 05/11/07 Immigrants in America 56KB Angela Welch *** 05/11/07 Industrial Revolution 5.5MB James Collins **** 23/3/07 Industrial revolution 881KB jason lundblad **** 8/6/08 Ireland in conflict personalities of 1909-1922 365KB John Pipe *** 2/4/08 Islam - History, Value, Cultures 1.8MB Shahbaz Younis **** 15/3/09 Jerusalem 1.6MB V Bond **** 23/3/07 JFK Assassination 6.5MB James Collins **** 23/3/07 Leonardo da vinci 744KB Robert Clutter **** 7/12/08 Lincoln and the emancipation proclamation 241KB James Carol *** 15/1/07 Louis Pasteur 87KB James Carol *** 15/1/07 Magellan and Coronado 3.5MB Nikki Mays **** 7/9/08 Martin Luther King 807KB Rob Clutter **** 11/1/09 Medieval Top Trumps Word file 1.2MB nafees khan ** 08/02/10 Middle Ages of Europe 1.4MB Meredith Sanders *** 05/11/07 Middle Ages of Europe 909KB Robert Clutter **** 7/12/08 Minoans and Mycenaeans 1.2MB Mary Lou Tillman **** 7/9/08 Mormons 239KB James Carol *** 15/1/07 Normans 709 KB Goforth & Palmer **** 19/4/05 Pearl Harbor 5MB Eric Carroll **** 1/4/06 Penicillin 145KB James Carol *** 15/1/07 Persian Wars 540 KB Brian Robison **** 5/6/06 Presidents of the Philippines 1.1MB Manowar **** 7/12/08 The Railroads 278KB James Carol *** 15/1/07 Reaganomics 1.6MB bill smolter ***** 1/12/09 Roman Empire 10.1 MB Mike G ***** 15/6/05 Roman Republic 2.1 MB Mike G ***** 15/6/05 Roman Contributions 677KB Robert Clutter *** 7/12/08 The 13 Originals 8th History 1.9MB Jonathan Oliver **** 7/12/08 Treaty of Versailles2 1.03MB J Ross ***** 7/7/07 Trench warfare in WWI 523KB James Carol *** 15/1/07 Trench Warfare 4.2MB kathleen jordon **** 08/02/10 The War of 1812 2.1MB Liz Koppany **** 8/6/08 The Great Depression (US)zip file 35MB! herschel sarnoff ***** 8/6/08 Tudor Monarchs 723KB David J *** 14/10/05 Versaille 5.4MB kathleen jordon *** 08/02/10 Vietnam War 3.3MB nafees khan *** 08/02/10 What is culture 204KB jason lundblad *** 8/6/08 What is civilization 403KB jason lundblad *** 8/6/08 What were Social effects of the IndustrialRevolution 881KB jason lundblad *** 8/6/08 Who are the Greeks 2.5MB jason lundblad *** 8/6/08 WorldWar2 4.8MB J Collins ***** 1/4/06 World War 1 933KB Padmin **** 14/10/05 World War I (7th grade) 2.9MB Greg Harris **** 5/4/09 Yorktown surrender 249KB Patrick Vaughan *** 1/3/10
Chemistry PowerPoint Presentations
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Acids and Alkalis 549KB Debbie Durack **** 27/04/08 ACID BASES AND SALTS 3.1 Mohammad Ali **** 21/03/12 Addition Reactions 920KB Jimmy **** 29/12/05 Addition Reactions 920KB Jimmy **** 29/12/05 Aldehydes and ketones 68KB Leon *** 8/2/04 Aluminium and Titanium 190KB Debbie Durack *** 27/04/08 Analysis if cima painting 379KB Leon *** 8/2/04 Atoms and the Periodic tables 322KB George Bruce **** 2/11/08 Atomic Structure 2.03MB Bella **** 12/9/04 Atomic Structure2 343KB Stephen Morris **** 31/10/06 Atomic Theory 11.4MB Jacob Israel ***** 25/8/09 Atoms Simple 42KB Breslin *** 10/5/04 Atoms1 1.5MB Bruce B **** 15/6/05 Atoms2 153KB Bruce B *** 15/6/05 Atoms Intro 548KB Jimmy T *** 15/6/05 Atoms, molecules and ions 1.3MB Jimmy T ***** 15/6/05 AzoCompounds 85KB Leon *** 9/2/04 Balancing Chemical equations 92KB Kirk Davis *** 8/6/08 Basic Chemistry 828KB Mark Silberstein **** 8/10/06 Blast Furnace 109KB Chen et al *** 17/4/04 Blast Furnace2 107KB Shaun, Sam and Eli *** 11/8/05 Bonds and Energy 1.6MB Keith Hicks **** 1/4/06 Boyle's Law 101KB Teresa Middleton *** 12/11/08 Buoyancy 635KB Carolyn Kinne *** 25/8/09 Carboxylic acids 142KB Leon *** 9/2/04 Catalysis of H2O2 with Rochelle Salt by Cobalt Chloride 81KB Eoghan ** 18/12/07 Charles' Law 798KB Rlethree Sectionseven **** 5/4/09 Chem aid- simple way to remember ions 190KB Gerald Jimmy *** 22/11/08 Chemical Bonds 2.7MB B Vanka **** 17/3/05 Chemical Bonding revised 3.3MB Brian Debenham **** 1/3/10 Chemistry 6.5MB Jacob Israel ***** 25/8/09 Chemistry intro 1.99MB Eric **** 12/2/06 Chromatography 227KB Leon *** 9/2/04 Covalent Bonds 101KB J Allen *** 10/5/04 94KB Ivan Munkedal *** 20/8/06 Earths Atmosphere 17KB J Allen ** 10/5/04 Earth and Rocks 408KB J Allen *** 10/5/04 Earth History 147KB B & C **** 11/8/05 Earth Materials 4.9MB Roberts et al ***** 10/5/04 Electrophilic addition of Bromine 119KB Leon *** 23/2/04 Electronic configuration 1.5MB Michelle Bandola **** 20/10/09 Elements compounds and mixtures 1.6 M Ali **** 14/9/13 Empirical Formula 126KB Greg Purdum *** 15/5/06 Energy Levels Positions 543KB Indu Shah ** 10/5/04 Energy and conservation 360KB Teresa Middleton **** 12/11/08 Fuel Cell 43KB Scott *** 18/12/07 Green Chemistry 392KB Chaitu *** 25/12/06 Group1 233KB J Simoni et al. *** 15/5/06 Group 1&2 307KB Travis M *** 29/12/05 Group7_Halogens 110KB AJ Foakes *** 19/4/05 Group 7, The Halogens 315KB Travis M *** 29/12/05 Group 13, the Boron family 253KB Travis M *** 29/12/05 Group 14, the Carbon Group 251KB Travis M *** 29/12/05 Group 14 1.1MB Grissom 27 *** 27/04/08 Group 15, the nitrogen group 306KB Travis M *** 29/12/05 Group 16, the oxygen group 455KB Travis M *** 29/12/05 Group18 The Noble Gases 1.4MB Travis M *** 12/2/06 Groups and electron dot diagrams 568KB Travis M *** 12/2/06 Heat 1.1 Rebecca Evans **** 21/3/12 How Halogens react 882KB Keith Hicks *** 1/4/06 Intro to water and ADH 253KB Lisa Doig *** 11/1/09 Ionic Bonds 180KB J Allen *** 10/5/04 Jeopardy game- chemistry 202KB Donna Muller *** 18/12/07 Family-organic 145KB Leon *** 23/2/04 Geometric Isomerism 96KB Leon *** 23/2/04 Halogens 241KB Tom & Chris *** 17/4/04 How Elements Bond 267KB Travis *** 01/03/06 Hydrogen 3.4MB Rona *** 08/02/10 Lab Experiment 157KB GCHS ** 17/10/04 Lab tests, results and sulphuric acid 191KB Travis M *** 12/2/06 Limestone 200KB Teresa Middleton *** 12/11/08 Limestone,oil, fractionational distillation 200KB Travis *** 01/03/06 Making Electricity 191KB George Bruce **** 2/11/08 Making and naming compounds 131KB Lisa Doig *** 11/1/09 Matter and Change 363KB Marco Mass **** 20/10/09 Mass, atomic and empirical formulas 116KB Travis *** 01/03/06 Metals in Industry 540KB Travis *** 01/03/06 Metals and Acids exps 278KB Gavin **** 12/2/06 Mixtures 345KB Marco Mass **** 20/10/09 Mineral Identification 5.2MB David Condor **** 20/8/06 NMR presentation 630KB Leon *** 23/2/04 Naming compounds and ions 107KB Travis M *** 12/2/06 Oils and Fats 113KB Leon *** 4/3/04 Organic Chemistry 2.9MB CR Klepper *** 14/10/05 PeriodicTable1 87KB Jenny ** 17/3/05 PeriodicTable2 473KB Inst *** 17/3/05 PeriodicTable+Links 730KB Bill Byles ****(for the links) 17/3/05 PeriodicTable_Test 312KB Unnamed *** 17/3/05 PeriodicTable_Game 139KB Risa *** 17/3/05 Plastic Recycling-starter 107KB Paul Jackson ** 18/12/07 Polymers 349KB Leon *** 4/3/04 Radioactivity 156KB Keith Hicks **** 1/4/06 Rates of reactions and Enzymes 930KB Travis *** 01/03/06 Reactivity Series 53KB Travis M *** 12/2/06 Rocks 355KB Ant & Kailyn *** 17/4/04 Rocks and weathering 436KB Stuart S *** 18/1/04 Reactions and Equations 183KB G *** 17/10/04 Redox Reactions 251KB Leon *** 4/3/04 snowflakes 1.17MB Carolyn Kinne *** 25/8/09 Solids liquids gases 804KB Lisa Doig *** 11/1/08 Solutions and solubility 1.6MB M Ali *** 25/8/09 Stoichiometry 351KB Hamid Waasi **** 12/5/09 The d block 630KB Leon *** 4/3/04 TLC and GLC 703KB Leon *** 4/3/04 Transition elements 556KB Travis *** 01/03/06 Types of Rock 38KB Karen MacNiven *** 20/8/06 Volumetric 358KB Hamid Waasi **** 12/5/09
science powerpoints
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Body Image 843KB Nancy Hackmann ***** 12/5/09 Cuvier Presentation 294KB Eric *** 01/03/06 Daily and seasonal changes 3.0 MB Simon D *** 24/1/04 Demost biotec2 423KB Yolanda Ramos **** Biology(Spanish) Development 1.9MB Liza **** 8/10/06 Endoscopy 713KB Surendran_K *** 18/2/09 Mental Health and self-esteem 85KB Nancy Hackmann *** 12/5/09 Women and Medicine 478KB Noreen **** 02/02/08
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Blood 1.7MB Red Cross *** 14/10/05 Blood 1.2MB Debbie Corral **** 23/3/07 Blood and Circulation 641KB Scott **** 29/12/05 Blood Vessels 602KB C Milne *** 1/4/06 The components of the blood (F) 207KB Teresa Middleton **** 12/11/08 Circulation 632KB Keith Hicks *** 1/4/06 Circulatory system2 648KB Stephen Morris ***** 31/10/06 Circulatory System 699KB Rik G **** 18/1/05 Control of heartbeat 117KB Paul Jackson ** 15/1/07 Co-ordination of the Cardiac Cycle 960KB Rachel Conrad **** 5/4/09 Heart 207 KB Mark ** 7/1/04 Heart 916KB Keith Hicks *** 1/4/06 Heart and Circulatory System 17KB Hina Hashmi ** 29/1/09 Everything about hearts 466KB Alison Diskin *** 08/02/10 Support and transport in plants 4.04 Jayasree Vinod ***** 12/10/10 Transport in plants 658KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Xerophytes 1.7MB IC Smith *** 1/4/06 What are blood vessels 175KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Aerobic_Anaerobic_Respiration 146KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Anaerobic respiration 100 KB Nalford *** 5/7/04 Krebs Cycle 71KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Lungs 251KB Debbie Corral **** 23/3/07 Respiration 1.6MB Debbie Corral **** 8/10/06
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Asexual Reproduction 144KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 ASexual Reproduction 1.3 MB Rory G *** 5/6/06 Asexual Reproduction 372KB Liza *** 8/10/06 Pollination and Fertilisation 702KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Reproductive Systems 547KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Reproduction in Flowering Plants 2.2MB Barbara Zemcik **** 1/3/10 Sexual Reproduction 206KB Lisa *** 29/12/05 Sexual Reproduction2 2.1 MB John Bojnowski **** 5/6/06 Sexual Reproduction in Animals 607KB Barbara Zemcik **** 1/3/10 Sexuality 131KB Nancy Hackmann *** 12/5/09
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Absorption of Light by Chlorophyll 258KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Exp_photosynthesis1 3.0MB YKNG **** 11/8/05 Exp_photosynthesis2 492KB Paul **** 11/8/05 Lab Photosynthesis1 264KB Jim *** 11/8/05 Lab_Respiration1 395KB Maya *** 11/8/05 Leaf Structure and Photosynthesis 95KB Hina Hashmi *** 21/1/09 LightDependentReaction 302KB fkelly *** 19/11/04 Photosynthesis equation keywords 31KB Debbie Corral *** 8/10/06 Photosynthesis (flash animatiom) 288KB Rodney Boyer **** 17/10/04 Photosynthesis 1.97MB John ***** 11/8/05 Photosynthesis2 1.4MB Ryan Dunne **** 25/12/06 Plants general structure 1.6MB Rik G ***** 29/12/05 Plants- why study them? 287KB Trenton *** 11/8/05 Plants_A test 176KB Bobby *** 11/8/05 Plants 2 1.1 MB Keja Beeson **** 5/6/06 Plant Tissues 3.8MB Ben Zalewski **** 25/12/06 Plant structure adaptations and responses 5.3MB Sarah Berard ***** 25/12/06
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Absorption of food 212KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 alimentary canal 3rd year 249KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Digestion 238KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Digestion and Peristalsis 331KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Digestive Enzymes 21KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Digestion- foundation level 949KB Belinda(worksheets on request) ***** 18/12/07 Digestion- higher level 1.05MB Belinda(worksheets on request) ***** 18/12/07 Digestion in Ruminants & Rodents 1.9MB Diyana Jamari ***** 15/3/09 Food Safety 184KB Nancy Hackmann **** 12/5/09 MakingFood 7.4MB Hina Hashmi ***** 21/1/09 Heterotrophic Nutrition 473KB Abd Manap Mahmud **** 18/12/07 Nitrogen Cycle 140 KB Ken Macdonald *** 5/6/06 Nitrogen cycle 2 319KB Ken Macdonald **** 2/7/07 Nutrition 521KB Michelle Feuer **** 25/12/06 Nutrition 7.1MB Nancy Hackmann ***** 12/5/09 Nutrition and You 428KB Carolyn Kinne *** 7/8/09 Nutritional requirements 0.33 bhuvan kumar *** 11/3/12 Teeth 456KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Vitamins 5.1 bhuvan kumar **** 11/3/12
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Endocrine and nervous system 2.9MB Sarah Berard ***** 25/12/06 Eye 349KB Rik G **** 18/1/05 The Eye 3.8MB Alison Diskin *** 08/02/10 Hormones 2.1 MB Rory G *** 5/6/06 Nerve and endocrine systems 2.9MB Sarah Berard ***** 25/12/06 Nervous System 2.3MB Debbie Corral **** 23/3/07 Nervous System and drug addiction 1.39MB Ray **** 11/8/05 The nervous system & sensitivity 232KB Teresa Middleton **** 12/11/08 Nerves- 1 slide with nice diagram 956KB Debbie Corral *** 23/3/07 Neurons 403KB Michael S **** 14/10/05
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Actin and myosin 204 KB Alf *** 5/7/04 Bones 603KB Liza *** 8/10/06
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date The Immune System 2.1 MB Catherine Taylor ***** 5/6/06 Blood releated pathology 2.2 Hanuman Kumawat **** 11/3/12 Transplantation Immunology 2.0MB Pratap Patle *** 20/10/09 Infectious disease STD 130KB Nancy Hackmann *** 12/5/09 Infectious diseases 2.1 Wilson Andoh **** 11/3/12 Immune System 1.03MB Michael S **** 29/12/05 Immune System 591KB Debbie Corral **** 23/3/07
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date ADH Diagram (Animated) 175 KB Ken Macdonald **** 5/6/06 Blood Sugar 462KB Sarah Magor **** 15/5/06 Homeostasis of the body 1.1MB Belinda **** 2/7/07 Kidney 484KB Rik G *** 18/1/05 kidney damage wordsearch 68KB Lisa Doig *** 11/1/09 Kidneys 271KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Symbiosis and Homeostasis 182KB Katherine White *** 23/11/08 Temperature Regulation 451KB Debbie Corral **** 23/3/07
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date ALCOHOL 169KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Alcohol 531KB Nancy Hackmann **** 12/5/09 Alcohol 5.89MB Mitch **** 14/10/05 Alcohol 223 KB Kaye *** 10/1/04 Being Healthy 801KB Stephanie Davison **** 2/11/08 Bacteria - Cholera 3.4MB Janice Wright *** 12/5/13 Bacteria - Helicobacter pylori - Ulcers 1.12MB Janice Wright *** 12/5/13 Cholera 1 0.1MB Janice Wright *** 12/5/13 Cancer 262 KB Mikey B ** 03/1/04 The Cell Cycle and Cancer 1.5MB Laureen **** 1/4/09 Cigarette Smoke and Disease 176KB Paul Jackson *** 15/1/07 clinical terms 158KB Peggy ** 17/10/04 Cocaine 1.4MB Paul Cushing **** 1/4/06 Controlling Disease 122KB John *** 18/12/07 Coronary heart disease 881KB Bip Chak **** 9/5/10 Disease pics 1.1MB Rik G *** 30/11/04 Drugs 110KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Drugs Effects on Our Bodies 1.03MB John *** 18/12/07 Health and Hospitals 677KB Noreen **** 02/02/08 Healthy Bodies- part1 677KB Williamallan **** 23/3/07 Healthy Bodies- part2 780KB Williamallan **** 23/3/07 Heart disease arteriosclerosis 1.3 MB Susan *** 14/1/04 HIV and AIDS 427KB Rhys Lewis *** 25/12/06 HIV_and_AIDS 741KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Human health and disease 673KB C Milne ***** 1/4/06 Human Imunnodeficiency Virus 2.9MB Sarah Berard ***** 25/12/06 Infectious disease STD 130KB Nancy Hackmann *** 12/5/09 Influenza 234KB Ieuan Davies **** 20/10/09 Intro to Drugs 535KB Nancy Hackmann **** 12/5/09 White Blood Corpuscles 0.92 Rajasekhar *** 12/10/10 lung disease 693KB Bip Chak **** 9/5/10 Marijuana 100KB Nancy Hackmann *** 12/5/09 Medicine in the Nineteenth Century 392KB Noreen **** 02/02/08 NMR for diagnosis and drug design 109KB Lucky Aftab *** 20/6/07 Pollution 535KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Presentation on Health 1.6 Katla Vinod *** 29/9/11 Protists - Malaria 1.31 Janice Wright *** 13/9/11 Schizophrenia 93KB alice johnson *** 16/11/09 Scurvy 99 KB Pete ** 8/1/04 Smoking 409 KB Bella ** 26/1/04 Solvents 1.66MB Mitch **** 14/10/05 Thalidomide 1MB Rik G *** 31/10/06 Tobacco 6.82MB Mitch **** 14/10/05 Tobacco 1.1MB Nancy Hackmann ***** 12/5/09 Tobacco and diseases 439KB Teresa Middleton **** 12/11/08 Tridax_procumbence_-_A_paper_presentation 0.58 Swapnil Futane *** 12/10/10 Virus Structure and Method of Invasion 179KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Virus - Measles 1.49 Janice Wright *** 12/5/13 Virus -Rabies 1.25 Janice Wright *** 12/5/13 Viruses and HIV 1.0MB Jessica Moore *** 15/1/07 GENETICS POWERPOINTS
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Cause and effect of mutation 515KB Lisa *** 29/12/05 Chromosome 6.4MB Siva Ramamoorthy ***** 23/3/07 Cloning- What is it? 230KB Liza *** 8/10/06 Cloning - Science Fiction or Science Fact 1.55MB Lindsay Wainwright **** 18/12/07 DihybridInheritance 57KB Angela *** 19/11/04 DNA Fingerprinting powerpoint 208KB Siobhan Coughlan **** 20/8/06 DNA or No DNA 639KB Lisa *** 29/12/05 DNA - An overview 4.54 Siva Ramamoorthy **** 12/10/10 DNA replication (flash animation) 384KB Rodney Boyer **** 17/10/04 DNA replication 1.3 MB Sutur **** 5/7/04 DNA Structure 2.5MB michael dowdall **** 08/6/08 Recombinant DNA and Polymerase chain reaction 4.01MB Alison Diskin **** 08/02/10 Electrophoresis 14KB Lisa ** 29/12/05 Farm animal breeds 446KB Rik G *** 30/11/04 Gel Electrophoresis 1.0MB Lisa *** 29/12/05 Gene Function and Structure 905 KB Paul *** 5/7/04 Genetic Code1 120KB Lisa *** 29/12/05 Genetic Engineering 124KB Lisa *** 29/12/05 Genetic Engineering 1.0MB Laureen **** 1/4/09 Genetics 598KB Lisa Deluca ***** 18/12/07 Genetic Crosses 498KB Rik G *** 18/1/05 Genetics- General 972KB Scott *** 29/12/05 Genetics- inheritance 598KB Lisa Deluca **** 18/12/07 Genetic Screening 88KB Ian Richardson *** 15/5/06 Genetic Testing 0.1 Fatin *** 11/3/12 Genetic Traits 5.0MB Meredith Sanders *** 18/12/07 Genotype and Phenotype 428KB Joyce zakem *** 08/02/10 Gregor Mendel 159KB Liza **** 8/10/06 The History of DNA 1.85MB Joyce Zakem **** 9/5/10 Inheritance Assessment 1.2MB Lisa **** 29/12/05 Inheritance Basic 228KB Paul Jackson *** 15/1/07 lac operon 99KB Sarah Magor *** 15/5/06 Mendel 296KB *** 19/11/04 Mendel's Law of Segregation 493KB Ian Richardson **** 15/5/06 Meosis 607KB Rik G *** 18/1/05 Monohybrid 108KB Angela *** 19/11/04 mitosis 931KB Liza **** 12/5/09 Mitosis and Meiosis 817KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Mutation 606KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Mitosis 815KB Rik G **** 18/1/05 PCR 162KB Rachel Conrad *** 10/10/08 Real time PCR and it's functions in diagnosis 6.7 Adel Qorani ***** 12/10/10 Reverse_Transcription 0.38 Siva Ramamoorthy *** 12/10/10 SexLinkage 67KB *** 19/11/04 Sexual Differentiation 2.1 MB John Bojnowski *** 5/6/06 Structure of DNA 3.8 MB Bella **** 26/1/04 The Human Genome project 2.5MB Ian Richardson *** 15/5/06 Variation and the Monohybrid Cross 818KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Variation and mutation 254 KB Cheryl ** 5/7/04 EVOLUTION POWERPOINTS
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Adaptation in animals 2.5MB Katherine White **** 23/11/08 Adaptation-KS4 287KB Teresa Middleton *** 12/11/08 Animal Adaptations I 770KB Sei Mei Li *** 7/7/06 Characteristics of Living Things 297KB Don Little **** 20/10/09 natural selection 320KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Natural Selection in Action 1.4MB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Natural Selection model 97KB Jane *** 29/12/05
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Enzymes1 68KB Salvador *** 12/2/06 Enzymes2 4.4MB Debbie Corral **** 8/10/06 Enzyme-induced fit diagram 29KB Anant Pande *** 27/04/08 Enzyme-Lock and Key 34KB Anant Pande *** 27/04/08 Enzymes- What are they? 184KB Paul Morrison **** 31/10/06 Enzymes- models of action 184KB Paul Morrison **** 31/10/06 Enzymes and digestion 200KB Susie Jenkins **** 12/5/09 ECOLOGY POWERPOINTS
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Ecology, what is it? 522KB Char Hisaysu **** 15/5/06 Ecological Relationships 494KB Gillian Rorhwell **** 7/7/06 Ecology 1.3MB Katherine White **** 23/11/08 Ecosystems 503KB Katherine White *** 23/11/08 Environment and feeding relationships 1.1 MB Stu S *** 19/1/04 Environments 2.1MB Williamallan ***** 23/3/07 Feeding relationships 6.8 MB WBC **** 14/7/04 Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, birds, and mammals 5.1MB Meredith Sanders *** 18/12/07 food pyramid 2.6MB Carolyn Kinne *** 7/8/09 Food Production & the environment 1;6MB Teresa Middleton ***** 12/11/08 Food Webs 700KB Carolyn Kinne *** 7/8/09 Food web of the Arctic 759KB Meredith Sanders *** 18/12/07 Food Chains and Webs 575KB Katherine White *** 23/11/08 In Their Natural Habitats 366KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Intensive farming 815KB Rik G *** 18/1/05 Interactions of Life-Communities 5.6MB Robby Saint ***** 2/7/07 population 100KB GCHS ** 17/10/04 Populations 760KB Pati Pineda **** 23/3/07 Predators and prey 95 KB Dave * 12/1/04 Pyramids 52KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Symbiosis 134KB John ** 14/10/05 Symbiosis2 429KB Larry *** 14/10/05 Symbiosis3 312KB Joe K *** 14/10/05 Symbiosis and Homeostasis 182KB Katherine White *** 23/11/08 CLASSIFICATION POWERPOINTS
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Adaptation in animals 2.5MB Katherine White **** 23/11/08 Adaptation-KS4 287KB Teresa Middleton *** 12/11/08 Animal Adaptations I 770KB Sei Mei Li *** 7/7/06 Bird Biology 543 KB Jackie *** 5/7/04 Characterisitcs of Life 3.0 Joyce S. Zakem **** 12/10/10 Characteristics of Living Things 297KB Don Little **** 20/10/09 Classification 1.1 MB Paresh Mahawar **** 5/6/06 Classification of Animals 5.8MB Sei Mei Li **** 7/7/06 Emergence of the animal kingdom 3.01MB Jerry **** 14/12/04 Fungi 6.8MB Tbarger ***** 30/11/04 Kingdom Protista part I 546KB Louise Pollack **** 25/12/06 Kingdom Protista part II- Algae 1.3MB Louise Pollack **** 25/12/06 Microbes 628 KB Susan *** 15/1/04 Microbes 341KB Hina Hashmi *** 21/1/09 Spiders and Insects 1.06MB Carolyn Kinne *** 7/8/09 Viruses 1.5MB Jeddy **** 14/12/04 CELL BIOLOGY POWERPOINTS
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Blood releated pathology 2.2 Hanuman Kumawat 12/07/12 Cell membranes 1.7 MB Bella **** 14/1/04 Cell membrane transport 2.1 MB Bella ***** 14/1/04 Cell Membrane + Tissues & Organs Definitions 942KB kostas beritsis **** 16/11/09 Cell Membranes questionsdocument 601KB kostas beritsis **** 16/11/09 Cell Membranes questions - markscheme document 22KB kostas beritsis **** 16/11/09 Crossing Membranes–Passive Processes 934KB Kostas Beritsis ***** 08/02/10 Cell structures lesson1 1.01MB Becgentry **** 18/12/07 Cell structures lesson2 630KB Becgentry **** 18/12/07 Cells 1.5 MB Stu S **** 19/1/04 Cells2 1.7MB C Milne ***** 1/4/06 Cell_Structure (flash animation) 1.3MB Rodney Boyer **** 17/10/04 cell structures 525KB Roxanne **** 17/10/04 Cell theory 1.97MB Becgentry **** 18/12/07 Cell Transport 2.0MB Sonny or Beth *** 25/12/06 Cell Vocabulary 699KB Mr Ryan **** 12/09/06 The Cell Theory 602KB Eric *** 01/03/06 Cell And Tissue Culture 140KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Communication and Cell Signalling 924KB kostas beritsis **** 16/11/09 Introduction to Cells 41KB Hina Hashmi *** 21/1/09 Communication and Cell Signalling 924KB kostas beritsis **** 16/11/09 Geometry in Nature 5.6 Starla Brannon 29/9/11 Life Processes 115KB Shaun *** 14/12/04 Living Factories 252KB Hina Hashmi *** 21/1/09 The Microscope 648KB Mr Ryan **** 12/9/06 Making a microscope slide 2MB Peter L **** 29/12/05 ElectronMicroscope 960KB *** 19/11/04 Osmosis & Diffusion 1.2 MB ET **** 19/4/05 Protein Secretion 760KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Protein synthesis 1.0 MB Jenny P **** 23/1/04 protein synthesis (simplified) 2.9MB christine holloway **** 16/11/09 White Blood Corpuscles 0.92 Rajasekhar *** 12/10/10 White Blood Corpuscles 1 Rajasekharn 29/9/11 Specialised Cells 295KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09
Title Size Submitted by Rating Date Animal Behaviour Powerpoint 893KB Carolyn Kinne *** 7/8/09 The Body 450KB Paresh **** 12/2/06 Cereal Crops 11.4 MB H Wellington **** 19/4/05 Earthworm 1.7MB Surendran_K **** 18/2/09 Fertilizers and Pesticides 1.1MB IC Smith *** 1/4/06 Fossils 611KB Carolyn Kinne *** 7/8/09 Geometry in Nature 5.6 Starla Brannon *** 29/1/12 Growing Plants 8.1MB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Introduction to Plants 463KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Living Factories YEAST 252KB Hina Hashmi *** 21/1/09 Lower Plants 2.1MB Ben Zalewski **** 25/12/06 Mammals 343KB Michael Bichler **** 7/9/08 Natural Vegetation 10.7MB Ritesh *** 20/10/09 Nitrogen Cycle 140 KB Ken Macdonald *** 5/6/06 Nitrogen cycle 2 319KB Ken Macdonald **** 2/7/07 Plant Divisions 3.5MB Sarah Berard **** 25/12/06 Leaf structures 0.37 Nitin Kumar *** 12/10/10 Plants general structure 1.6MB Rik G ***** 29/12/05 Plants- why study them? 287KB Trenton *** 11/8/05 Plants_A test 176KB Bobby *** 11/8/05 Plants 2 1.1 MB Keja Beeson **** 5/6/06 Plant part roots 377KB Ryan Hill **** 23/11/08 Plant production- watering 607KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Plant Tissues 3.8MB Ben Zalewski **** 25/12/06 Plant structure adaptations and responses 5.3MB Sarah Berard ***** 25/12/06 Puccinia fungus 1.38 Paresh Parekh ***** 12/10/10 Support and transport in plants 4.04 Jayasree Vinod ***** 12/10/10 Plantlets 405KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Sharks 535KB Meredith *** 02/02/08 Sea Otter 2.8MB jim Fiddes ***** 8/6/08 Vertebrates KS3 958 KB Raj Gold *** 19/4/05
English powerpoint presentations
English powerpoints Size Submitted by Rating Date Adjectives and adverbs 291 KB Tim ** 14/7/04 Adverbs 222KB Golla Madhubabu **** 29/11/09 Advertising 1.4MB Peter L *** 29/12/05 African American Empowerment 704KB Kathy *** 31/10/06 Bernice Bobs her Hair- intro 1.9MB Teresa Smith **** 1/3/10 Child literature 502KB Tracy Bean *** 23/3/07 Collective Nouns(Flying Together) 920KB Sushila Naidu *** 1/3/10 Connectives 6.4MB Amy Druce ***** 25/12/06 Conjunctions 56KB Ben Swanson *** 7/7/07 Constructing sentences word document 5.0 Ahmad Bukhori Mohd Zain *** 17/3/12 Crucible jeopardy 1.4MB Gavin Lees *** 1/4/06 Descriptive Writing 351KB Amy Druce **** 15/1/07 Elaborated Paragraphs 288KB Cynthia ** 14/10/05 English rules lesson 1-3 341KB Terrie Boston **** 1/3/10 English rules lesson 4 485KB Terrie Boston **** 1/3/10 English rules lesson 5 293KB Terrie Boston **** 1/3/10 English rules lesson 6 196KB Terrie Boston **** 1/3/10 English rules lesson 7 118KB Terrie Boston **** 1/3/10 English rules lesson 8 1.0MB Terrie Boston **** 1/3/10 FEARS 0.5 Todd Mullins *** 15/09/13 Flowers_for_Algernon_vocab_pics 697KB Terrie Boston **** 1/3/10 Guide to Essay writing 88KB *** 7/3/05 How to write a story 233 KB Jerald&Mary *** 14/7/04 1.53MB Ganesan *** 20/8/06 Hobbies 1.9 Todd Mullins *** 15/09/13 Idiom Dictionary 521KB Joan Evans **** 23/3/07 Leprechaun 491KB Kathy *** 31/10/06 Morphology 186KB Gavin Lees *** 1/4/06 Newspaper Writing 144KB Gavin Lees *** 1/4/06 Nouns 78KB Gavin Lees **** 1/4/06 Odyssey 517KB Tricia *** 25/11/04 Past Modals 1.24MB Viviane Matos **** 9/5/10 Parts of a Sentences .05 Irene Hui 29/9/11 Pencil Poem 1.3MB Peter L *** 29/12/05 Poetic Devices 535KB Tricia **** 25/11/04 Poetry 224KB Bryan *** 14/10/05 Poetry2 64KB Gaile Wotherspoon *** 20/6/07 Poetry and Art 117KB Gaile Wotherspoon *** 20/6/07 The Sound of Poetry 140KB Gaile Wotherspoon *** 20/6/07 Fall_in_love_with_poems 198KB Rangoo **** 20/6/07 Parts of a Sentences .05 Irene Hui *** 29/1/12 Poetry Vocab 188KB Jessica *** 14/10/05 Poetic Terms1 205KB Tricia *** 25/11/04 Poetic Terms2 2.2MB Tricia **** 25/11/04 Power of Reading 283KB Cabell Charles *** 2/11/08 Presentations and Public Speaking 62KB Ben Swanson *** 7/7/07 Pronouns 80KB Golla Madhubabu **** 29/11/09 Prepositions 222KB Golla Madhubabu **** 29/11/09 The parts of speech 179KB Ben Swanson *** 7/7/07 Proof Reading 94KB Sean **** 29/12/05 Quick Writing 1.18MB Pamela Glover *** 05/11/07 Rhyme and meter 148KB AHS ** 7/3/05 Spelling Spiders 7.7MB David Woricker **** 29/11/09 SchoolSubjects_Quotes 2.0MB Ken Kranz *** 29/11/09 strong and weak verbs 74KB MA Chemmal *** 28/1/09 The IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) 2.0MB Kathy *** 31/10/06 The Raven 62KB Anna Connolly *** 15/2/07 The Third Wish 667KB Terrie Boston **** 1/3/10 What if 2.5 Todd Mullins *** 15/09/13 Word study- reading and writing vocab 151KB Kathy *** 31/10/06 Writing A Good Book Review 85KB Ben Swanson *** 7/7/07 Writing A Good Essay 60KB Ben Swanson *** 7/7/07 English Exam tips (KS3) 56KB Adam Thompson *** 1/4/06 EXAM paper- English Lit GCSE 41KB Andrea Lownes *** 8/10/06 EXAM paper- English GCSE paper1 51KB Andrea Lownes *** 8/10/06 EXAM paper- English GCSE paper2 50KB Andrea Lownes *** 8/10/06 EXAM paper- English SATS Reading 47KB Andrea Lownes *** 8/10/06 EXAM paper- English SATS writing 43KB Andrea Lownes *** 8/10/06 EXAM paper- English SATS Shakespeare generic 31KB Andrea Lownes *** 8/10/06 Explication 169KB Tricia *** 25/11/04 Initial Consonants 1.2MB Kim **** 29/12/05 Initial Vowels 639KB Kim **** 29/12/05 Character Education Definitions 67KB Edward Anderson *** 15/05/06 Character and Leadership Development 232KB Edward Anderson *** 15/05/06 Character Education Citizenship 144KB Edward Anderson *** 15/05/06 Character Education Compassion 102KB Edward Anderson *** 15/05/06 Character Education Responsibility 153KB Edward Anderson *** 15/05/06 Character Education Fairness 138KB Edward Anderson *** 15/05/06 Character Education Perseverance 81KB Edward Anderson *** 15/05/06 Character Education Respect 127KB Edward Anderson *** 15/05/06 Character Education Self-discipline 112KB Edward Anderson *** 15/05/06 Character Education Trustworthiness 112KB Edward Anderson *** 15/05/06
Maths powerpoint presentations
Math Size in Kilobytes Submitted by Rating Date Algebra 86 Staff ** 9/4/05 Algebra I 139 RobertClutter *** 2/11/08 Algebra 1 106 Sallie Lee *** 15/3/09 Algebra Review 476 Cynthia Stulpin **** 20/10/09 Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division 337 Alovera Cigdem *** 2/11/08 Cartesian components 421 Dee Kormaz *** 15/2/07 Algebra I 70 Monica *** 9/4/05 Algebra II 120 Monica *** 9/4/05 Algebra Definitions 67 Cacsmc *** 9/4/05 Archimedes Blast From The Past 2100 Dianne Wager **** 5/4/09 ArchimediesBlast FromThe Past (word document) 37 DianneWager **** 5/4/09 Antiderivatives, Differential Equations, and Slope Fields 950 john Korley **** 6/8/08 Area 243 john Korley **** 6/8/08 Area Formulas 279 Jennifer Jasensky *** 15/3/09 Bar Graphs and Histograms 233 Princess Barcega **** 10/10/08 BannekerBlast From The Past 1040 DianneWager **** 5/4/09 Banneker BlastFrom ThePast(word document) 31 Dianne Wager **** 5/4/09 149 Paula Compton **** 7/9/08 Carl Friedrich Gauss Blast From The Past 285 DianneWager **** 5/4/09 Capacity images 428 Rebecca Hood *** 25/12/06 Circles cbse grade5 554 Ranjana Negi *** 20/10/09 Cones and Pyramids 490 Angela Arustei **** 1/4/06 Core 1 Revision 50slides of questions 1600 D Kormaz **** 15/1/07 Circle Terminology 141 Miss Patel *** 29/12/05 Circle Theorems 188 Jim Randle **** 20/8/06 Decimals 0.86 Natasha Khimji *** 12/10/10 Directly and inversely proportional-equations 99 Barbara Vanatta *** 15/3/09 Dividing Fractions 172 Emerlina Binuya ** 15/3/09 Electronic devices 4.1 Kumar Sai Bas 22/11/11 Exponential Functions 630 ShaneFods *** 12/9/04 Factors_Multiples 978 Usha *** 10/10/08 More Factoring 484 Dianna Wager *** 7/12/08 Foiling radicals 237 Esther **** 18/12/07 Formulas for geometry 135 Mr Ryan **** 12/09/06 Fractiondecimalpercentjeopardy 465 Andrew Godin *** 7/12/08 Functions 525 Jim Randle **** 20/8/06 Geometry Congruence 327 Miss Patel *** 29/12/05 Logic gates PDF file 4.1 Naveen Kumar 22/11/11 Length and Area 429 Alison Diskin **** 08/02/10 mass images 425 Rebecca Hood *** 25/12/06 Math Geometry Vocabulary 167 Mr Ryan **** 12/09/06 Mental Maths Test 38 Madeleine Harding *** 8/10/06 Geometry 204 Robert Clutter *** 2/11/08 Geometry of shapes 76 shreyans.jain *** 18/2/09 Geometrical shapes cbse grade3 217 Ranjana Negi **** 08/02/10 Graphs 115 Sallie Lee *** 15/3/09 Graphing Lines 128 Shane Fods *** 12/9/04 Graphs of Straight Lines 263 Simon Garvey *** 9/5/10 Growth and Decay 68 Shane Fods *** 12/9/04 Hand Maths in Tamil language 301 Ganesan Badhri **** 2/11/08 Integers 75 Randall *** 5/7/04 Jeopardy Operations 1700 Sallie Lee **** 15/3/09 Kenimatics using graphs 303 Dee Kormaz *** 15/2/07 Laws of Exponents 359 Shane Fods *** 12/9/04 Like and unlike terms 152 Rebecca Hood ** 25/12/06 Linear equations 100 Shane Fods *** 12/9/04 Lines and Angles1 162 Miss Patel *** 29/12/05 Lines and Angles2 293 Miss Patel *** 29/12/05 Logic gates PDF file 4.1 Naveen Kumar 29/09/11 Logarithmic Functions 0.48 Suresh Chelikani 10/09/13 Mathematicians 258 Robert Clutter *** 2/11/08 Maths Theorems 0.06 Samantha Cool *** 29/1/12 Math Fact Review Rap 195 Debbie Taylor *** 20/10/09 Mathematical Proof 199 D Kormaz *** 25/12/06 Math vocabulary. Lessons1-5 124 Meredith Sanders *** 18/12/07 Math vocabulary. L6-10 62 Meredith Sanders *** 18/12/07 Maths starter quiz 76 manny sahota *** 7/12/08 Matrix Teacher 379 Brandi *** 25/11/04 matrix-transformation 34 kapil savjani **** 6/8/08 Matrix Student 275 Brandi *** 25/11/04 Mean, Mode, Median 402 RobertClutter **** 2/11/08 Multiplying&DividingPowers 100 Brian W *** 12/1/04 Napolean's Theorem 326 Cfolsom **** 9/4/05 Numbers 84 MS *** 5/7/04 Order of Operations 60 Robert Clutter *** 2/11/08 Perimeter and area 315 Rudolph Massie *** 18/2/09 Perimeter and Measurements 179 Alison Diskin *** 29/09/11 Place Value with Decimals 0.114 Natasha Khimji 29/09/11 Polynomial Long Division 145 George **** 01/03/06 Project Slogan 587 Miss Patel *** 29/12/05 Protractor Usage 155 Dan Ross **** 25/12/06 Prime Numbers 813 Tim *** 29/12/05 Pime factor Tree 126 Tim *** 29/12/05 Prime Factorization 149 Emerlina Binuya *** 15/3/09 Pythagoras Theorem 388 Ruyenna Caluyo *** 10/10/08 Pythagorean Theorum Revised 432 Robert Clutter **** 2/11/08 PythagorasBlast From The Past 562 Dianne Wager **** 5/4/09 PythagorasBlast From The Past (word document) 52 Dianne Wager **** 5/4/09 Radical_Functions_and_Equations 683 Esther **** 18/12/07 Rational_exponents 535 Esther **** 18/12/07 Rationalizing the denominator 394 Esther **** 18/12/07 Ratio 420 Jyoti **** 01/03/06 Reflections presentation 2300 Kausar Khan *** 7/12/08 Rene DescartesBlast From The Past(word document) 24 DianneWager **** 5/4/09 Right Prism volume 261 Rudolph Massie *** 18/2/09 Sequences- finding a rule 121 D Kormaz *** 25/12/06 Similar shapes 112 Daniel Walker *** 1/3/10 SimplifyRadicals 423 Esther **** 18/12/07 Simplifying Expressions 83 ShaneFods *** 12/9/04 Sine and Cosine Graphs 97 john Korley **** 6/8/08 SINE AND COSINE RULE 376 Ruyenna Caluyo *** 10/10/08 SI Units 296 G J Elms *** 8/10/06 Slope 124 Shane Fods *** 12/9/04 Slope & Y-intercept 469 Lisa N **** 25/12/06 384 Ron Galilei *** 10/10/08 Solve the Puzzle quiz 930 Jennifer Jasensky **** 15/3/09 Solving equations by adding and subtracting 258 Jennifer Jasensky *** 15/3/09 Squares and square roots 125 MS *** 5/7/04 Tangents of circle 304 altaf khan **** 1/12/09 Maths Theorems 0.06 Samantha Cool 22/11/11 Toothpick puzzles 110 JenniferJasensky *** 15/3/09 Translations 145 Genevieve Rosso *** 1/12/09 TreasureHuntSequences 78 Brian W *** 10/5/04 Triangles 93 Randall *** 5/7/04 Triangle Types 365 Jademohr *** 9/4/05 Trigonometric Functions of Acute Angles 0.5 Jayakrishna reddy **** 16/9/13 Trigonometry-in-3D 108 Kapil S (Sunil M) **** 6/8/08 volume and surface area 181 Rudolph Massie *** 18/2/09 Volume of a Cylinder 737 Alison Diskin **** 08/02/10 World of Triangles 194 Its **** 9/4/05 writing linear equations 210 Dianne Wager *** 15/3/09 write equations fold (word document goes with linear equations ppt above) 30 DiannWager *** 15/3/09
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